
This Infobel api uses a token-based authentication that is required to use any of the methods available. The following method will generate a valid token that you can use only for a limited time. Once expired, you will have to generate and use a new token

API method URIDescription
POST api/token

Use this method to generate a new token using your provided credentials. The returned access_token must be used in a custom HTTP Header named Authorization and having for value: Bearer {access_token}


The following method is only present for tests purpose

API method URIDescription
GET api/test/hello

Use this method to test the connection to the api. You will receive a welcome message that will change if the request is sent anonymously, or authentified with a valid token


The following methods allow you to check all the countries available through the api

API method URIDescription
GET api/countries

Use this method to get all the countries available using the api


The following methods allow you to check all the columns available through the api

API method URIDescription
GET api/columns

Use this method to get all columns available

GET api/columns/lookup

Use this method to get all columns available


The following methods allow you to check all the columns available through the api

API method URIDescription
POST api/file/{fileName}

Use this method to upload a file


The following methods allow you to check all the options available through the api

API method URIDescription
GET api/options/{countryCode}

Use this method to get all options available for a country


The following methods allow you to submit orders, check their status, progress, etc

API method URIDescription
GET api/order/{skip}/{take}?appUser={appUser}&status={status}&type={type}&countryCode={countryCode}&nameFilter={nameFilter}&dataType={dataType}

Use this method to get a list of all your orders

POST api/order

Use this method to submit a new order. Please check the input requirements

POST api/order/lookup

Use this method to submit a new Lookup order. Please check the input requirements

GET api/order/{orderId}

Use this method to get an order's full details, including preview, mappings, options, history, etc

GET api/order/{orderId}/close

Use this method to close an order

GET api/order/{orderId}/cancel

Use this method to cancel an order

GET api/order/{orderId}/delete

Use this method to delete an order

GET api/order/{orderId}/status

Use this method to get an order's status

GET api/order/{orderId}/history

Use this method to get an order's history

GET api/order/{orderId}/preview

Use this method to get an order's preview

GET api/order/{orderId}/mappings

Use this method to get an order's mappings

POST api/order/{orderId}/mappings

No documentation available.

GET api/order/{orderId}/analyze

Use this method to start order's analysis

GET api/order/{orderId}/options

Use this method to get an order's options

GET api/order/{orderId}/analysis

Use this method to get an order's analysis results

POST api/order/{orderId}/options

No documentation available.

GET api/order/{orderId}/finalize

Use this method to start order's analysis

GET api/order/{orderId}/file/{fileName}

Use this method to download a file