Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
OrderName |
Name of the order |
string |
None. |
CountryCode |
Country represented by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Code (2 chars long) of the records in the file to process |
string |
None. |
FileName |
File path to process |
string |
None. |
HeaderInFirstRow |
Indicate if columns names are in the first row |
boolean |
None. |
RowDelimiter |
In case of a .csv or custom text file, you can specify a custom row delimiter, default is \n |
string |
None. |
ColumnDelimiter |
In case of a .csv or custom text file, you can specify a custom column delimiter, default is \t or TAB |
string |
None. |
TrimCharacter |
In case of a .csv or custom text file, you can specify a value surrouding char, detault is empty. E.g. TrimCharacter = " => if you have \n or \t in cells values, use a TrimCharacter like " to escape them |
string |
None. |